How to Create an Oracle Database Directory with Jenkins Automation

In this blog post, I will show you step-by-step how to create an Oracle database directory, combined with Jenkins automation. These commands can also be executed manually without creating a Jenkins script, simply by running them directly in the terminal.

Step 1: Define Variables

First, we define the necessary variables that we will use later in the script. These variables include the server IP address, schema name, username, password, container name, directory name, directory path, and database name.

Step 2: Connect to the Remote Server

Next, we connect to the external remote server where the database is installed. We use sshpass to pass the password and ssh to establish the connection.

  • sshpass -p $V_USER_PASS: Passes the password for the SSH connection.
  • ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no: Disables host key checking.
  • $V_USER_NAME@$V_REMOTE_SERVER_IP: Connects to the remote server.

Step 3: Open Docker Container

Within the remote server, we open the Docker container where the Oracle database is running.
Plain Text

  • docker exec $V_CONTAINER_NAME bash -c ": Executes a command inside the running Docker container.

Step 4: Create and Navigate to Directory

Inside the container, we create the directory and navigate into it.

  • mkdir -p $V_DIRECTORY_PATH: Creates the directory if it does not exist.
  • cd $V_DIRECTORY_PATH: Changes to the newly created directory.

Step 5: Create Oracle Directory

Now we create the Oracle directory. We use sqlplus to send SQL commands to the database.

  • sqlplus / as sysdba: Starts SQL*Plus as SYSDBA.
  • show pdbs;: Shows the available Pluggable Databases (PDBs).
  • alter session set container = $V_DB_NAME;: Switches to the specific PDB.
  • DROP DIRECTORY $V_DIRECTORY;: Drops the directory if it exists.
  • CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY $V_DIRECTORY AS '$V_DIRECTORY_PATH';: Creates or replaces the directory.
  • commit;: Commits the changes.
  • SELECT directory_name, directory_path FROM all_directories WHERE directory_name = '$V_DIRECTORY';: Verifies the created directory.
  • GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY $V_DIRECTORY TO $V_DB_SCHEMA_NAME;: Grants read and write permissions.

Step 6: Verify Directory

At the end, we check again if the folder is empty and created, and display the entire path.

Complete Code

Here is the complete code summarized:

That's it! This Jenkins script should automate the creation of a new directory for you, and you can simply place backups or imports into the path to then load them into the respective schema, or to import or export data.
Call to Action:
  • Test the Script: Run the script in your environment to ensure it works as expected.
  • Customize for Your Needs: Adjust the variables according to your specific requirements and environment.
  • Share Your Experience: Let us know how the script worked for you or if you made any improvements.


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